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Published: October 29, 2020
Accessible Voting at The IC


With the election just days away, the deadline has passed to return your ballot by mail. However, we invite you to join us here at The Independence Center, 729 S. Tejon Street, to drop off your ballot or cast your vote in person. Details are below!

Voter Polling and Service Center

We are proud that The IC is again serving as a Voter Polling and Service Center (VPSC) for the 2020 General Election. In addition to traditional voting booths, we will have an ADA accessible voting machine on site as well as a ballot drop box. Our building is fully accessible and will be open to the public for voting during the following dates and times:

  • Friday, October 30, 2020: 8am-5pm
  • Saturday, October 31, 2020: 8am-5pm
  • Monday, November 2, 2020: 7am-7pm
  • Election Day, Tuesday, November 3, 2020: 7am-7pm (all voters in line by 7pm on Election Day will be allowed to vote) 

To keep poll workers, staff, and voters safe during the pandemic, we will be adhering to social distancing guidelines and mask requirements.

Transportation Through Mountain Metro Mobility

If you are in need of transportation to The Independence Center, contact Metro Mobility for assistance. Mountain Metro Mobility operates during the same days, hours, and service areas as the Mountain Metro fixed-route bus system. General hours of operation are seven days a week from 5:30 a.m. to 9:45 p.m. Evening and weekend services are limited.

Call Metro Mobility Reservations at 719-392-2396 with inquiries regarding hours or areas of service.

Track Your Ballot

Did you know that you can track the status of your ballot from receipt to acceptance? Just sign up through BallotTrax to receive updates:

Overview of Ballot Measures and Voter Information

If you’ve gotten the Colorado Blue Book, you know there are a lot of issues that we’re being asked to vote on this year. Deb Walker, our Director of Strategic Partnerships, put together a simplified, nonpartisan overview of the State and Colorado Springs measures. She also put together some additional voter information and resources that are relevant to this year’s election. You can find all of this by clicking this link:

Polling Place Attire Do’s and Don’ts

As a reminder, if you choose to vote in person or drop off your ballot, voters cannot be within 100 feet of a vote center or drop box wearing items that advocate for or against a candidate or issue on the ballot, per Section 1-13-714, C.R.S. Additional guidelines are as follows:

  • A general slogan that is associated with a candidate or political party is not advocacy that would violate this statute.
  • Examples would include “Make American Great Again” or “Black Lives Matter” apparel.
  • While these slogans and groups may be associated with a particular candidate, party, or issue, they do not expressly advocate for or against a candidate or issue on the ballot, and as a result are not prohibited as electioneering.
  • Apparel or items with a current candidate’s name or ballot issue on it would violate this statute. Voters who appear wearing something like this should be politely asked to cover or remove the offending apparel or return later with appropriate clothing.

If you have any questions about our polling location, please call 719-471-8181. Happy voting!

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