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Published: July 16, 2013
ADA Celebration


[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]This ADA Celebration will include a silent auction with items donated from around the community, a screening of the PBS documentary “Lives Worth Living” and participants involved in the Disability Rights movement will be speaking.

“Our ADA Celebration provides people a unique opportunity to not only learn more about the Disability Rights Movement, but also to learn more about how people in our community were a part of it,” said Amanda Lunday, Communications Manager for The Independence Center.
“Lives Worth Living,” which depicts the history of the Disability Rights Movement to the signing of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) will be screened following the silent auction. Following the inspirational film, some participants involved in the movement share their stories. Speakers will include Anita Pope, Billy Allen and Matthew Ruggles.
“I don’t think people realize that residents of Colorado Springs were at the protests in San Francisco or the marches in DC. People with disabilities in our community fought for equality, for the basic rights that many of us take for granted. The Springs has a rich history within the Disability Rights Movement and we hope this free and educational event invites people to experience a part of our history we don’t often discuss,” said Lunday.
The silent auction portion of the evening will begin at 6:00 p.m. and include items such as a Kindle, a night at the Mount Princeton Hot Springs Resort, passes to local attractions, like the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo and the Manitou Cliff Dwellings, restaurant gift cards, and much more.
“We take so many things for granted now, things that took over a decade of blood, sweat, and tears to accomplish for the people of this country.  I see people with disabilities out in the community, participating in everyday life in ways that were impossible before the ADA,” said Anita Pope, Director of Nursing at The Independence Center.
The event will be from 6:00 p.m. until 8:30 p.m. on Thursday, July 25th at Stargazers Theatre, which is located at 10 S. Parkside Dr. Come join The Independence Center for this fun, free and educational event.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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