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Published: May 15, 2019
American Legion Partners with The IC to Create Accessibility

Photo of American Legion Hall in Cripple Creek

Photo of American Legion Hall in Cripple CreekBy Amber Carlton


The Victor-Cripple Creek American Legion Post 171 is a growing hub of activity and outreach in the area. Membership has more than doubled in the last three years, and its members provide numerous services to local veterans and to the community.

To better accommodate members and visitors, they’ve also been busy refurbishing the post, which was originally a church built in 1900. To help make the building more accessible, they reached out to The Independence Center for assistance in installing a ramp and new concrete sidewalk.

The project received a $5,000 grant from The IC Fund, which supports projects that increase independence for people with disabilities. Thanks to the grant, along with the help of Post members, community volunteers, and contractors, the new ramp is now welcoming people with and without disabilities into the historic building.

“As a result of your generous support…veterans and members of the community can now access our facility,” Richard R. Ingold, Post 171 Adjutant, says of the grant. “Thank you!”

For more information on The IC Fund, visit

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