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Published: April 1, 2020
Innovative Program Helps Patient Stay in Her Home

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For patients with complex recoveries or conditions, the nursing home is often their only option in order to receive the supportsHospital to Home (H2H) Logo
and services they need. However, with The Independence Center’s innovative Hospital to Home (H2H) program, patients are able to transition from the hospital back to their homes more quickly and at lower cost.

Recently, Melanie Baker, Oncology Social Worker at UCHealth Memorial Hospital sent us this powerful testimonial about how the program helped one of her patients.

“This patient had a metastatic cancer, no insurance, and had $40,000 in the bank from an inheritance. The patient was unwilling to spend down these funds to qualify for Medicaid, as her goal was to remain in her home and she needed money for her mortgage and other monthly costs. A financial counselor followed up with the patient  frequently to get her on the Colorado Indigent Care program (CICP) with minimal success.

“The patient had two hospital admissions just a couple weeks apart and in that time incurred medical costs of more than $350,000. At the end of her second hospital admission, the patient was discharged home with the support of the Hospital to Home (H2H) program and remained in her home until she passed. She was receiving hospice care.

“I think this case is a beautiful example of the Hospital to Home program allowing us to honor this patient’s wishes while still using our health care resources effectively. Had she not discharged home with support, I anticipated she would have re-admitted within a week and continued with this type of re-admission trend until she passed, costing hundreds of thousands more dollars while also increasing her suffering.

“In a brief conversation with Mandi from The Independence Center, it was estimated that the patient’s care costs were less than $5,000 with the Hospital to Home program. This represents a significant savings for health care systems. Kudos to The Independence Center for making their funding count for our patients.”

For more information on how the H2H program can help you or a loved one, call 719-471-8181.

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