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Published: October 14, 2019
Know Your Rights With Your Service Animals – Part 2


by Nikki Stewart

Colorado Assistance Animal Law- Part 2

In the second part of our “Know Your Rights With Your Service Animal” series we take a look at the Colorado Assistance Animal Law.


Where does the ADA allow my animal access?

Access for service animals and emotional support/assistance animals permitted with penalties for misrepresenting a pet as a service or support animal:

  • Public places
  • Housing (except single family residence or occupants who rent, lease or furnish for compensation one room in a residence)
  • Employment

What is a Service Animal?

A dog or miniature horse that has been individually trained to do work or perform tasks for an individual with a disability.


Can I be charged fees for allowing access to my service or support animal?

No, unless the dog causes actual damage; service animals exempt from licensing fees.


Can my animal be denied because of breed?

Not mentioned in the Colorado Revised Statues


Can my animal be denied based on fears or allergies of others?



What is a valid denial of my animal?

Only has provision for employment: where the animal’s presence creates undue hardship (significant difficulty or expense)




What happens if someone misrepresents an animal as a service animal?
When a person intentionally misrepresents entitlement to an animal as an assistance animal charges ranging from a petty offense to a misdemeanor can be filed with progressive fines ranging from $25 – 500.


Who is responsible for enforcement?


Colorado Office of the Attorney General

130 Broadway

10th Floor

Denver, CO  80203

720-508-6000  |


Looking for more information for service animals?

Part 1: American’s with Disabilities Act

Part 2: Colorado Assistance Animal Law

Part 3: Fair Housing Act

Part 4: Air Carrier Access Act

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