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Published: February 11, 2018
Photovoice Project – Creating Change through Creativity


by Gabe Taylor


In an ambitious new project, The Independence Center’s Jamie Muth hopes to shed light on those things in the daily lives of

people with disabilities which promote an accessible and inclusive space, versus those that do not. The idea is for people with disabilities to document through photography and writing, the issues that they encounter which create barriers to an accessible and inclusive space. And on the flip-side, to document those things that help to remove barriers. Examples of negative issues could include things like curbs without curb cuts or the lack of ASL interpreters at a doctor’s office. A few positive examples could include photos demonstrating strong social bonds or disability-friendly policies at your local library. There could be any number of issues, but most will likely be very personal to each individual. The IC will provide disposable cameras, provided by Cottonwood Center for the Arts as well as prints and framing which will be donated by Mike’s Camera.

Along with a written narrative from the photographer, the photos will serve as an authoritative witness of points of friction in the author’s life. The hope of Photovoice is to create a catalyst that leads to meaningful change through creative expression. After participants have finished with their photo essays, the projects will be exhibited at an event on Friday, July 6th.  The issues identified by the project will bring about awareness and create changes to systems that aren’t working for people with disabilities.

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