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Published: May 9, 2018
Schedule Disability and Home Care from The Independence Center


Clients with disabilities require comfort within their own home, and our disability care services help support this required comfort level. Our team at The Independence Center is known for our high-quality work with clients with disabilities and we can help build the ideal care service for the individual, based on years of industry experience. Our goal is to ensure privacy, comfort, and dignity in the home by offering the highest levels of care.

Clients choose The Independence Center for:

  • Comprehensive care options

From our work providing personal hygiene services to our expertise in helping patients with ambulation around the home, we offer a number of home care options for patients with a disability. Our experienced team can build a care program designed in-line with the client’s unique needs while in close communication with the client directly. This ensures clients and their loved ones retain autonomy over their expert-led care.

  • Goal-oriented care

Our home health work is based on the client’s unique goals for their health and comfort in the home. By providing in-home care to clients with a disability we hope to enrich their lives and open up options that would not be possible without expert guidance. We strive to provide the client personal care that preserve their dignity, and we take great pride in supporting patients in their health goals.

  • Communication-focused care

At each phase in our work providing care, we thrive through direct communication with clients and their loved ones. We work to respond to questions and address any challenges the moment they arise to help drive patient comfort in the long-term. We’ll meet with clients and their families regularly to discuss the current care plan and to make any required changes at the earliest opportunity.

Our experienced team at The Independence Center is here to provide the highest level of home care to those with a disability. To schedule a consultation with a specialist, call us today.

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