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Published: November 15, 2019
Staying Independent with Hospital to Home

Hospital to Home (H2H) Logo

by Amber Carlton


Hospital to Home (H2H) Logo

Imagine being admitted to the hospital after becoming seriously injured or ill. Then imagine being told that you will be unable to return home any time soon because your recovery is “complex.” Your only options are to either stay in the hospital or be transferred to a nursing facility due to the extensive supports and services your recovery requires. After being out of your home for an extended period, you find that bills go unpaid, life moves on, and you eventually lose the ability to live independently again.

That may be difficult for most of us to imagine; but this story is repeated time and again for countless people here in the Front Range and across the country. However, thanks to an innovative program at The Independence Center called Hospital to Home (H2H), more people have access to the supports and services they need to recover in the comfort of their own home.

Read more about how H2H is helping patients maintain their independence in the article, “Hospital-to-Home Program Saves Lives, Slashes Costs,” by Tim Rowan.

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