What is Advocacy?
At The Independence Center, we attempt to empower consumers to be their own advocates and foster independence in achieving their goals. We recognize that the best way for change to occur is when an individual has self-directed that change, so we offer support to consumers with addressing whatever barriers they face in living the life of their choice. Sometimes, an advocate is necessary to support a person with finding the information, people, and tools that are necessary to overcome a problem. The consumer can then move forward with planning and action on how to address their need.
If you need help with developing your self-advocacy skills, visit our Peer Support & Self-Advocacy page, or contact an Advocacy Specialist at 719-471-8181 or through our contact form.
Community Organizing
Community Organizing is the process of bringing people together to build relationships, identify problems, and develop the capacity—the power—to change the decisions and processes of institutions that contribute to those problems. Organizing leads to action that is planned and carried out through campaigns: periods of intense and focused effort, with a beginning and an end, designed to lead to a specific goal that makes a positive, incremental impact on a problem.” (Advocacy and Community Organizing) Organizing depends on “people power” – larger groups of people who have a collective mission and will to change a negative circumstance that affects them all.
The IC coordinates many different trainings that might benefit you and your organization. Examples of trainings offered:
- Disability Awareness
- Emergency Preparedness
- Disability Etiquette
Issue Briefs
Beyond organizing as a group to create positive change for people with disabilities, The IC also works with lobbyists and state officials to address problems that can be solved through system and/ or policy changes. One way of doing this is to distribute Issue Briefs that inform leaders about issues and to start a conversation for change.