Impacting Issues at the State Level
One of the most important things we do as part of the disability community is advocate for change to make the community, or a piece of it, work better for everyone. This process usually starts with the identification of a physical barrier or policy that keeps people from participating in community life. We do research on the issue, identify what we want to see happen differently that is legally acceptable, and figure out who can make that change happen. Then we begin to ask, to write letters, to educate, negotiate and sometimes consider filing a complaint or a lawsuit. Members of our staff, consumers, and lobbyists work together to try to remove barriers for people with disabilities through making change with the Colorado state legislature and other government entities.
In addition to letters, talking points, informational flyers, and other lobbying efforts, The IC also creates issue briefs that are distributed to leaders so they can learn about the issues important to people with disabilities. An Issue Brief is a relatively short document that discusses an issue, provides a recommendation for action, lists references, and provides contact information. The point of Issue Briefs is to inform people about a problem within the community and how we can solve that problem together. The IC hopes that as a part of the disability community, you will join us as we agitate for change. To learn more about the work The IC has done and continues to do, you can view the advocacy content and issue briefs we’ve created for the public as well as state and local leaders below.
Issue Briefs, Letters, and Other Advocacy Content
Letter: Suggestion for Disability Identifier Symbol
Health Care Policy and Financing’s Proposed Changes to Long Term Services and Supports
Accessible Video Conferencing Issue Brief
Making Colorado Springs More Livable for Everyone via Universal Design
Letter From the CEO- Protect Your Medicaid Benefits
Talking Points for Medicaid Cuts
Improving Health Care Access for People With Disabilities
The Need for Colorado Centers of Independent Living to Have an Office in State Government
Talking Points for 2015 issues
The Need for Centers for Independent Living
Changes to Critical Vocational Rehabilitation Programs
Talking Points – Policy Briefing on Sign Language Interpreter Certification
Talking Points – Pre Legislative Session talking points on Sign Language Interpreting Certification
Benefits of Visitability Issue Brief
Service Animal Information Flyer
If you’d like to join us in making change, learn more about Community Organizing or click on the button below to contact our Advocacy Specialist.