Caregiver Abuse
Abuse refers to any willful act or omission of a caregiver which results in physical injury, mental anguish, unreasonable confinement, sexual abuse, or financial exploitation to a vulnerable adult. Below are some examples of abuse to help you identify caregiver mistreatment:
- Financial Abuse and Exploitation
- Denies access to money
- Using credit cards or ATM/Debit card
- Forging checks
- Theft
- Emotional Abuse
- Calling names, ignoring, criticizing, etc.
- Humiliating individual
- Treating person like a child
- Physical Abuse
- Pushing, hitting, slapping, pinching, kicking, biting, inappropriate handling, etc.
- Overuse of restraints
- Sexual Abuse
- Verbal harrassment
- Sexual assault
- Rape
- Misuse of medications
- Theft
- Overmedicating
Caregiver Neglect
Neglect is the failure of a caregiver to provide essential services necessary to maintain the physical and/or mental health of the person they are the caregiver of. Some examples of neglect are:
- Not providing meals or denying food
- Not providing transportation
- Not providing required services or not working assigned hours
- Lack of personal care (bathing, proper hygiene, etc.)
- Leaving individual in soiled undergarments
- Using vehicle without permission
- Removing assistive technology, such as wheelchairs, walkers, TTY, etc.
- Leaving unattended
- Withholding medications
The information here is only intended as general guidance and practices. Information should not be considered all inclusive or as medical health advice.
Speak with an IC specialist
Centro de la FamiliaSee Links >
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Domestic Violence HotlineSee Links >
TTY: 1-800-787-3224
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Domestic Violence InitiativeSee Links >
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El Paso County Department of Human Services
Adult Abuse or Neglect
719-444-5755 or
Child Abuse or Neglect
719-444-5700 or
TessaSee Links >
Crisis Hotline: 719-633-3819
Adult Abuse or Neglect
719-444-5755 or
Child Abuse or Neglect
719-444-5700 or