Getting started
Register for a class or call our office
If you’d like to attend a class for the first time and haven’t received services through The Independence Center before, please make an appointment with our Living Skills Specialist by calling 719-471-8181. We will walk you through a “getting to know us” process, complete some enrollment paperwork, and show you where classes will be held.
Upcoming classes
Learn new skills and sharpen old ones
January 2025
February 2025
We offer peer support groups, facilitated workshops, group recreational activities, advocacy coaching, and individual mentoring. The IC’s peer support workshops and classes are designed to be all-inclusive so that no matter what your disability, you should be able to find a group that will fit you well and will help you achieve your goals.
Groups offered at no charge to Independence Center consumers include:
- *Cross-Disability Support
- *Mindfulness
- *Traumatic Brain Injury Support
- * 1:1 Conversations & Goal Setting
Groups offered at no charge, and open to the public include:
- Accessible Rock Climbing
- Movie Group Outings
- Running Club
- Rock Climbing at
- Adaptive Fitness at Nexus Fitness
- Social Club
To find out more about our peer support and self-advocacy groups, or to learn more about becoming an Independence Center consumer call us at 719-471-8181.
Examples of classes offered
To view a calendar of our upcoming group classes, click the button below. For one-on-one classes, call 719-471-8181 to schedule.
- Money Management
- Understanding Your Disability
- Riding the Bus
- Basic Spanish
- Living Well With a Disability
- Independent Cooking
- Self-Advocacy
- Positive Attitude and Overcoming Barriers
- Employment Skills Classes (Employee Readiness and Retention)
- Basic Grammar