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Published: May 3, 2016
Kudos Due For Collaborative Efforts for Accessible Telephone Communications

old trends= outdated legislation; new legislation for accessible telephone communications; Disabled Telephone users Fund will be signed into law May 4, 2016

old trends= outdated legislation; new legislation for accessible telephone communications; Disabled Telephone users Fund will be signed into law May 4, 2016Kudos are due for legislative work that ensures that people who are deaf, hard of hearing, blind, or deaf-blind will have access to accessible telephone communications in coming years.
The Independence Center was instrumental in lobbying for HB 1414, the Disabled Telephone Users Fund, which will be signed into law by the Governor at a signing ceremony on Wednesday, May 4, 2016. In addition, HB 1414 includes new program funds requested by the Colorado Deaf Blind Task Force for additional services for people who are deaf-blind.
Our hats are off to The Independence Center Board of Directors. Our board supported the vision for change to engage in the political process to keep telecommunications accessible across the entire state. We’d like to acknowledge the hard work of our lobbyist, Edie Busam; Senator Pat Steadman and Representative Bob Rankin, bill sponsors; and the entire Joint Budget Committee for working to put a funding structure in place that keeps pace with changing technology and telecommunication trends. The telecom industry also deserves a big “thank you” for working with the bill sponsors in support of the community.
If you’d like to read more about the issue The Independence Center lobbied on, read our issue brief here.

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